MassageBook Blog

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One of the Quickest Ways to Make More Money as a Massage Therapist

We all know that the overarching goal behind massage therapy is to make clients feel more relaxed and free of unneeded tension. That goal is even the primary one for most massage therapists. The catch, though, is that massage therapy is a business that doesn’t flout the tenets of commerce. Massage...

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MassageBook | Receive more tip income with new Android mobile app

Two weeks. More valuable improvements released. It’s become a habit. I’ve been reading some books on human behavior lately. It’s undeniable that we humans are creatures of habit. We have our morning routines, our evening routines, our work routines, our play routines. Even interpersonal routines. In addition to getting me...

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Mobile Massage Practices: Considerations When Starting Out

I just fielded a question today from someone who’s considering starting their own mobile massage practice. It was a good question, and as I was answering it, it occurred to me that it’s probably something a lot of you are asking yourselves. Is it a good idea to start an...

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Customizable Client Intake Forms and Other New features Released

Hope everyone had a great Labor Day weekend and that your practices are finding a comfortable post summer rhythm! I come to our office every day and have the pleasure of working with some genuine and caring people to solve two very important problems: 1) How can we simplify your...

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3 Critical Things Massage Therapists Are Not Doing On Social Media

There’s no denying it. Social Media is a huge part of our everyday lives. It’s how we keep up with friends and family, the latest trends and most importantly, promoting our business online. People are checking out your profile, followers and “online personality” before they even book with you. Your...

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Series Updates and more! Release Notes for August 15, 2016

Monday this week my youngest son started 1st grade.  On Sunday, the last day of his summer break, I asked him how he was feeling and he shared with me that he was “sad and happy”. Sad, he explained, that the summer of carefree fun was over, but happy to...

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Massage therapist income calculator answers “what if?” questions

Introducing the Massage Therapist Income Calculator Quick link to the Calculator here In the end, every successful massage therapy practice has to abide by a single universal truth: Generate more income than is spent But you already knew that. But what you’re probably a little fuzzier on is exactly how much you make, how...

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8 Massage Therapy Myths You Should Stop Saying

The therapeutic practice of massage has been around for a long time. In fact, engravings illustrating it have been documented as far back as 2330 BC, making it one of the oldest healing arts. After all that time you might imagine that myths about it would have been laid to...

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3 Free Website Builders for Massage Practices

Updated June 2nd, 2021 Having an online website for your massage practice has never been more important. Pre-COVID, online booking was already a staple for many individuals with busy lives and little free time to call “during business hours” for appointments. But now that so much of our world has...

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Launch a Successful Mobile Massage Practice with These 3 Tips

Wanting to own your own practice, but can’t figure out how to get started?   Mobile massage may be the answer you’re looking for.   The list of pro’s is compelling: No office overhead, you can set your own hours, and mobile massage rates are often $100 or more for...

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Bookings and Sales Roll in Even When Your Practice is Closed

MassageBook Testimonials
 Lilley Decker, LMT

Lilley Decker, LMT

Lilley Decker, LMT

MassageBook Testimonials
 Beth Wade, LMT

Beth Wade, LMT

Twisted Roots Chicago

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