A Look Back at the Best of MassageBook 2020

Well… 2020 hasn’t really been what any of us expected, has it? To be certain, it’s tested (testing?) many of us to our limits (and sometimes beyond). There’s a lesson here though. There’s always a lesson… And it’s one many of us have learned before. In the midst of chaos...

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Letter From Our Founder Mark Volkmann – February

I’ve been wanting to write a personal message to you and the other wonderful, kind and compassionate bodyworkers we have the privilege of working with for some time now. I’ve been fixated on pulling together an amazing team here who could help grow and refine MassageBook to be the ideal...

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A Wonderful Year It Was

With the holiday season upon us and the new year just around the corner, I wanted to take a moment to wish you the happiest of holidays and a bright, sparkly new year grounded in health, well being, love and the successful pursuit of your dreams. Thank you It is...

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MassageBook Testimonials
 Alex Messier

Alex Messier

Good Carma Mobile Massage

MassageBook Testimonials
 Beth Wade, LMT

Beth Wade, LMT

Twisted Roots Chicago

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