MassageBook Blog

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Promote Your Business With Our 2019 Marketing Planner

  • Kyle Cannon
  • January 25, 2019
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Time really seems to fly, doesn’t it? Life comes at us fast. The holidays have drifted into a distant memory, and we’re already approaching the end of January. Valentine’s Day will be here before you know it! What do the next few months have in store for business? Is your...

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A Step-By-Step Guide to Make the Most of 2019

  • Kyle Cannon
  • January 02, 2019
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Happy New Year from all of us at MassageBook! We hope the holidays were a tremendous success for your business and that you capitalized on the opportunities that came with them. But, we’re here to remind you that your marketing efforts shouldn’t cease now that they’re over. It’s time to...

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Holiday Promotions for Massage Therapy Practices Made Easy

  • Mark Volkmann
  • November 26, 2018
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Updated October 31st, 2022 Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and the holidays are coming. Is your massage business prepared to get the most out of service and gift certificate sales during the holiday shopping rush? MassageBook’s easy-to-use marketing tools can help you maximize engagement and income this holiday season. Follow the...

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What's new in MassageBook - November 2018

  • Mark Volkmann
  • November 15, 2018
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In the last few weeks, I’ve been asked on several occasions how I define success. It’s a great question, and the response I’ve given has been the same for the last 20 years. It’s not a unique philosophy by any stretch, and Vince Lombardi has said it as succinctly as...

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MassageBook + Square Integration

  • Mark Volkmann
  • August 28, 2018
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As you may have heard, MassageBook recently launched an integration with Square allowing clients to easily connect their Square and MassageBook accounts. Over the years MassageBook has quickly become one of the most widely used scheduling applications for massage and bodywork practices offering a complete software solution for scheduling, marketing,...

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Press Release: MassageBook and Square Integration

  • Mark Volkmann
  • August 28, 2018
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Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina August 27, 2018 – MassageBook today announced its integration with Square payments to provide its MassageBook business customers a new way to accept credit card payments from within the MassageBook platform. The new Square payments integration enables businesses to utilize Square’s best in class POS experience...

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What's New at MassageBook - August 2018

  • Mark Volkmann
  • August 20, 2018
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Well hello again! Summer is winding down, which means it’s time to shift focus to setting up our practices for a great fall and winter season. 2017 was a great year, and our hat goes off to all of you MassageBookers for blowing away the previous all-time record of income...

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Simple Secrets of the Successful Massage Practice

I think it’s probably safe to say that we all have more things we need to do (and want to do) than we have time for. At MassageBook I WANT to please you and every one of our thousands of customers by adding to and tweaking our software to meet...

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What's the ONE thing?

  • Mark Volkmann
  • April 06, 2018
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“What one thing can I do that will have a positive effect across a number of problems?” The answer to this simple question will set you free. It’s been my experience that the problems I encounter in business and in my personal life are often connected. Let’s say, for example,...

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3 Types of Massage Therapy Specialties that will be in Demand

We all say we’re passionate about our massage career. But picture yourself in the next 10 years. What does it look like? Are you still treating the same types of clients with the same skills you learned in your massage course? Or Have your ventured out learning different types of...

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Bookings and Sales Roll in Even When Your Practice is Closed

MassageBook Testimonials
 Alex Messier

Alex Messier

Good Carma Mobile Massage

MassageBook Testimonials
 Janis Parks

Janis Parks

Waves of Therapeutic Touch

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