MassageBook Blog

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How to Make the Most out of Your Massage Therapy Intake Form

Let’s all admit it together: a massage therapy intake form is no fun. And can be seen as the obstacle to the path of relaxation. But as much as we dread all the initial paperwork, massage therapy intake forms have a serious side to every massage therapy business. In fact,...

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Massage Therapy Images: The Best 3 Free Sources Online

Quality, professional massage therapy images makes your website or marketing material stand out and results in an top-notch image for your practice. But finding authentic images of massage therapy is not that easy. Finding free massage images is even harder. Whenever I search for images to use, I keep on...

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MassageBook Promotions get even better

  • December 07, 2017
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Last month MassageBook launched a powerful new Promotions feature that lets any massage or bodywork practice create and promote customized deals in just a few minutes. The result? Gobs and gobs of deals for gift certificates and services were created and sold by thousands of MassageBookers over the Black Friday...

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MassageBook Vs FullSlate: Which is the Best Massage Software for you?

In the age of Uber and Facebook, most clients expect to be able to book and manage their massage appointments online. The global consulting firm, Accenture Consulting, even predicts that by 2019, 64% of clients will book their health appointments using digital tools. If you want to build or manage...

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Increase Word-of-Mouth With These 3 Tips

In every industry and for every company, word-of-mouth marketing is the best, cheapest (but most costly), and most important form of advertising. Your massage therapy practice is no exception. While hiring a full-time marketing agency may help you to brainstorm, create, produce, and launch effective branding pieces, social media platforms,...

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Massage Business Names: How to Come up with the Right One

Choosing what your massage practice business name is going to be can come across as being one of the easiest parts of starting a business. But in some cases, it can be quite the opposite. Recently I came across a spa business called Bodyworks in Philadelphia who had found the...

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Coupons, Discounts, and Promotions that work for Massage Therapists

Updated 6/9/2021 Summer is fast-approaching, and as the pandemic eases and people are itching to get out and back to many of their normal pleasures, this season is a great time to promote one of everyone’s favorite vices - massage therapy. And while this time of year brings some natural...

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Massage Therapy Business Cards: How to Make Your Clients Love Them

10 years ago: Do you have a business card? Today: Do you have a Facebook account? Email? Online Booking? Massage therapy business cards were indispensable 10 years ago. Those rectangular pieces of paper containing contact info were even stored in leather-bound holders by some. Statistics say that nine out of...

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Top 10 Free Massage Therapy Video Sites for Continuing Education

As massage therapists, we get a charge out of using our toolbox of skills and techniques to help our clients feel better. Ever feel like you’re so busy “doing” that you don’t have the chance to keep learning? If you’re selective, the interwebs can be a convenient source of continuing...

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Stay inspired in your bodywork massage career

Like any long-term relationship, your massage career is going to go through it’s ups and downs. If you’ve been in this profession long enough, you already know this. Some days you’re flying high, knowing you’ve chosen the perfect career, and nothing in the entire world could be more fulfilling than...

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Bookings and Sales Roll in Even When Your Practice is Closed

MassageBook Testimonials
 Alex Messier

Alex Messier

Good Carma Mobile Massage

MassageBook Testimonials
 Janis Parks

Janis Parks

Waves of Therapeutic Touch

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