MassageBook Blog

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Imitation + Inspiration = Ingenuity: Building Your Personal Brand – Part 3

“No man is an island, Entire of itself, Every man is a piece of the continent, A part of the main.” These words of John Donne are as true today as they were when he first wrote them in the 17th century. Everyone’s connected; everyone’s a part of the whole. As a...

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Should You Refine Your Approach?

To really grow your massage practice and ensure that your marketing strategies are actually achieving their intended ends, you need to understand your clients more intimately. There’s no two ways about it. If you create blog content and circulate newsletters with great promotions and updates about upcoming services that you’re...

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MassageBook Announces New Mobile Software For Massage Therapists

MassageBook, the leading massage practice management software solution for professional bodyworkers, opens the Beta version of their Mobile App to all its customers. MassageBook Mobile enables individual service providers and business owners to easily manage their schedules and accept payments – all from their smartphones. “The team has worked extremely...

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How To Leverage Gift Cards For More Sales

If you’ve ever scrambled for that perfect gift come Christmas and felt increasingly nervous as December 25th rolled around, then you’re not alone. The fact that US consumers spent over 20 billion (with a “B”) on gift cards over the previous year shows that gift cards can help individuals as much as...

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How To Grow Your Practice Through Networking

In this generation almost everyone networks, even housewives. Although it isn’t complicated, if you are doing it for your business and not just for personal benefits, it does require a few extra steps to guarantee efficiency. There are many technical ways such as various blogging sites, Facebook and Twitter; just...

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How to Craft Your Elevator Pitch

Have you ever crossed paths with a stranger or potential client, been asked about your massage practice and given a less than ideal response? If so, this happens to the best of us and there are ways around it. Sometimes you know the ins-and-outs of your massage practice so well...

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Building Your Personal Brand – Part 2

This is part 2 of our Building Your Personal Brand series. Click here if you missed part 1. Another component of successful branding (and the joy you’ll experience in your life) is knowing where you want to be – and then purposefully designing a path to get there. If you don’t know where...

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How To Find The Right Clients To Work With

Wouldn’t it be great to be able to send that invitation to all your future clients and work only with the clients that deserve you, mesh with your lifestyle, work ethics and personality? That is the concept behind RVRP. Red Velvet Rope Policy is an extremely simple idea created by...

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How To Create Your Personal Brand – Part 1

This is part 1 of a new series we’re working on to help you get booked solid. This series will help you brand yourself and your practice – so you can show the world what an awesome massage therapist you are, and stand out from your competitors. Whether you are...

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7 Inexpensive Ways to Promote Your Practice

While it’s undeniable that word-of-mouth advertising from your established, loyal clients will fundamentally forever be the best, easiest, and low cost way to promote your practice, there are some additional, affordable, and effective ways (beyond being the very best massage therapist in town) to further boost your business. 24/7 Accessibility...

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Bookings and Sales Roll in Even When Your Practice is Closed

MassageBook Testimonials
 Kristin Remenar

Kristin Remenar

Pathway To Health Massage Therapy

MassageBook Testimonials
 Beth Wade, LMT

Beth Wade, LMT

Twisted Roots Chicago

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