This prenatal session is tailored according to your current physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual needs. Other than therapeutic medical massage, this visit may also weave in Acupressure, CranioSacral Therapy, lymphatic massage, reflexolog
The word out on the street would call this session an alternative “induction massage”. Though ultimately, your baby will come when your baby is ready. So in the meantime, while you wait, let’s release tension, guide your baby in an optimal po
Reset from the stresses of labor and delivery; relieve the tension in your neck, arms, wrists, and back from the high demands of holding and feeding your newborn; remedy anxiety or depression; or move retained fluids from medical intervention
This session incorporates many techniques to address muscle and skeletal issues, improve range-of-motion, relieve nerve compression, and enhance the circulation of blood and lymph. Medical massage can help with other health concerns such as d
CranioSacral therapy is a gentle hands-on method of evaluating, facilitating, and enhancing the function of your membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect your brain and spinal cord, and related fascial structures. Releasing
This session is tailored to the deep listening of your current physical, emotional, mental, energetic, or spiritual needs. We assess, mobilize, and support the release of residual discomfort that may be inhibiting complete structural releases
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