As a trauma-informed yoga instructor and previous experience as a surgeon's assistant, Angelina has always been deeply fascinated by the intricate connection between the mind and body. Witnessing firs...
As a trauma-informed yoga instructor and previous experience as a surgeon's assistant, Angelina has always been deeply fascinated by the intricate connection between the mind and body. Witnessing firsthand the impact illness on the physical and psychological well-being of individuals drove her to seek alternative ways to address this interplay. Her experience with yoga has allowed her to witness the transformative power of movement and breath in healing. However, she wanted to delve deeper, seeking a modality that would enable her to offer a more hands-on approach to facilitate healing and release. Angelina's background as a surgeon's assistant afforded her a unique perspective on the intricacies of the physical body and provide her with valuable insight into the body's resilience and capacity for healing. As Angelina continues to embark on this journey, she is committed to accompanying her clients by providing a safe and supportive environment with integration of mindfulness to cultivate an atmosphere grounded in trust, empathy and respect, allowing clients the space to explore and release for an empowering experience.
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