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Urban Zen Bodywork

Next available opening
Mon, Jun 3rd 12:30PM
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Massage - New Client Special
Choose a deep tissue, relaxation, prenatal, therapeutic or sports massage for this special. Cupping (optional) and hot towels infused with essential oils are included with this session. One per customer. New clients are required to prepay.
Massage - New Client Special
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Barefoot Ashiatsu Massage
In barefoot Ashi, the therapist has more options with the ability to use the ball of the foot, the lateral angle of the foot and the heel to manipulate the muscle at a more comfortable level for the client. The combination of gravitational f
Barefoot Ashiatsu Massage
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Elena's Massage Session
Elena is the owner of Urban Zen Bodywork . She offers 16 years of experience, to include,.. Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage, Deep tissue massage, Sports massage, Prenatal massage, Cupping and yoga. Stretching, myofascial release, cupping, Ashiatsu
Elena's Massage Session
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CBD and Cupping
This session includes a full body massage with 150mg cream, with a 300mg topical pain cream for a targeted area and cupping . Cannabinoids are naturally occurring compounds found in the Cannabis sativa plant. CBD helps to alleviate inflammati
CBD and Cupping
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Cupping & Stretching Mini Session
This short session is packed with benefits for folks short on time. Massage Cupping is a modern adaptation of the ancient art of cupping therapy. While massage is performed by applying pressure, cupping instead uses negative pressure to pull,
Cupping & Stretching Mini Session
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Deep Tissue/ Sports Massage
In this massage session we combine deep tissue and sports massage techniques like stretching and working out chronic issues. Sessions are focused on working the deeper muscles with the elbows and forearms and deep stretching . Cupping (option
Deep Tissue/ Sports Massage
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Prenatal Massage
Pregnancy massage focuses on addressing the special needs of expecting mothers. Specially chosen pillows, cushions, and side-lying postures are used to provide the most relaxing and restorative experience. Enjoy warm towels infused with essen
Prenatal Massage
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Therapeutic Massage
Therapeutic massage uses techniques that helps restore mobility and help muscle discomfort. Medium to deep pressure is used. This massage is great for reducing pain, muscle soreness and tension. Stretching is also incorporated to help with ra
Therapeutic Massage
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Reflexology Mini Session
In this session we focus on your feet and ankles using reflexology point guide. Reflexology can improve circulation, stimulate healthy organ and nerve function and help with plantar fasciitis. It's also been proven to help reduce stress and
Reflexology Mini Session
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Relaxation Massage
Relaxation/Swedish massage uses light to firm pressure to promote relaxation and ease muscle tension. Cupping (optional) and hot towels infused with essential oils are used throughout the session. Relaxation massage is a classic massage with
Relaxation Massage
Urban Zen Bodywork
Next available opening
Mon, Jun 3rd 12:30PM


Operating Hours

  • Monday
    By appointment only
  • Tuesday
    By appointment only
  • Wednesday
    By appointment only
  • Thursday
    By appointment only
  • Friday
    By appointment only
  • Saturday
    By appointment only
  • Sunday
    9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
(813) 694-3065