Massage Techniques

Myofascial Release Massage

Myofascial release massage works the web-like protective band that covers your body’s muscles, tendons, bones, ligaments and tissues. This protective band is made of elastin and collagen fibers. The band or fascia is dynamic, meaning that it responds to forces, either internal or external and resists these forces to protect the area that it covers.

When you sustain an injury or experience acute or chronic inflammation in an area, you can develop scar tissue on the fascia. When this occurs, it loses its dynamic nature and becomes hardened. In this form, it can restrict natural movement, create biomechanical imbalances, and cause pain.

Myofascial release massage focuses on breaking up the hardened fascia to restore a healthy level of flexibility and range of motion. The massage therapist uses their hands to stretch and break down the fascia to regain precious flexibility. The process takes time, and a specific area can be focused on for over five or more minutes. Several sessions are usually required to achieve lasting improvements.

The primary benefit of myofascial release is the lessening of pain during movements. Over time, flexibility and range of motion can be increased using this technique. Treatment sessions will include an initial visual assessment of the client’s posture and movement as well.

If you’re starting to feel old injuries flaring up again, consider myofascial release to combat the pain and regain your natural mobility.