Marcia Pennington

Massage therapist, life changer one massage at a time.

Bring you body back in balance with a tailored massage session.  I listen to what your body is telling me and help you achieve emotional and physical balance in your life.  I offer several different therapeutic modalities of massage  including deep tissue, hot stone to relax the muscles as well as relaxing Swedish massage.  I also provide chair massage for special events and corporate massage.                                                                                                  ...

Bring you body back in balance with a tailored massage session.  I listen to what your body is telling me and help you achieve emotional and physical balance in your life.  I offer several different therapeutic modalities of massage  including deep tissue, hot stone to relax the muscles as well as relaxing Swedish massage.  I also provide chair massage for special events and corporate massage.                                                                                                  

Book a massage with me today


OH # 33-020528

Check my availability and schedule appointments for a massage