Susan Van Horne

Health and the Capacity to Heal are Inherent Qualities of Human Life

The Healing Process:
I am awestruck, endlessly fascinated and deeply inspired by the healing process; the body is capable of high level self correction and healing under the right circumstances. I work to bring those circumstances to bear hands-on for the people with whom I work, introducing them to a physical reality of greater potential for improvement and healing than they had known before. For everyone, the body guides the way, showing each next direction of ease as it re-organizes struc...

The Healing Process:
I am awestruck, endlessly fascinated and deeply inspired by the healing process; the body is capable of high level self correction and healing under the right circumstances. I work to bring those circumstances to bear hands-on for the people with whom I work, introducing them to a physical reality of greater potential for improvement and healing than they had known before. For everyone, the body guides the way, showing each next direction of ease as it re-organizes structurally to become more easily fluid in demonstrating the direction and ease of it's own healing process, creating definition in the way it rebalances tension to come more fully into stress-free ease in midline repose.

Self Healing:
A client myself, I have been introduced to the ways and escorted on the journey, inspired by the human capacity for self healing. Many years now on the journey, with a highly effective osteopathically inspired skill set and a 3 dimensional approach that leverages healing from a profoundly restful state; I know how this work from the inside out and can be a very useful catalyst for your self healing process.

Hands on the new Science of Healing:
1. Profoundly deep rest can deactivate the stressed nervous system's underlying fight / flight response, counteracting the exhaustive efforting of physical guarding and bracing.
2. The stressed and dehydrated connective tissues that tightly bind the body can begin to release in a profoundly rested state, loosening bindings, drinking in and rebuildingy fluidity for better cellular nutrition, waste elimination and overall function.
3. Quenching cellular and tissue thirst, relieving cellular hunger, supporting drainage and tending exhaustion allow progressive tissue hydration that supports further release of the strain, tension and startle protection of long past bumps and bruises still held in the nerve endings of the connective tissue under the skin; still prepared to meet a momentary primal threat remembered from past injury. To take a deeper breath, allowing tissues to unwind and realign structural balance as the body progressively relaxes further into midline repose, re-integrating structural midline.

Terrain of the Process & Tools for the Terrain
In service to deep healing there are many useful skills that support the needs and nuances of the healing process as it progresses. Restrictive adhesions, congestion and sluggish drainage demand attention when they thwart the healing process. Past head Injuries can hijack or side-track the healing process and often require specific attention. Tailbone injuries, like head injuries and jaw issues, can pull on the body asymmetrically shaping extensive body imbalance with their long force vectors. Many long forgotten injury impressions like sport impacts, and auto accidents, even birth shaping and early childhood falls, will emerge and resolve in the healing process as the body progresses further into functional midline balance. Resonant, sensitively responsive non-invasive touch, supports the nervous system in down-regulating and titrating the imbedded guarding / bracing nervous system impulses tied to old injuries as these impressions emerge for resolution in the healing process.

Treatment Skills can include:
Structurally Integrative Bodywork and MyoFascial Release with a mild to deeper pressure gradient, Gliding Decompression (Cupping), Muscle "Energy" (MET) Active Resist, Stiles Functional Indirect, Bowen NST, Abdominal / Visceral Manipulation, Venous Sinus, Lymphatic and Detox Drainage, Biomechanical & Biodynamic CranioSacral (IntraOral License Endorsement), MyoFascial Stretching, Positional Release, Corrective Positioning Stretches & Movement Re-Education, Autonomic Response Testing (ART 'Muscle Testing'), Dr. Stone's Polarity Therapy; Resonant, Sensitively Responsive Non-invasive NeuroSomatic Touch for Trauma Resolution.

Cancelation Policy:
I require 24 hrs prior notice for cancellation and charge $30 for late cancellation or no show
Referral for Preparatory Treatment:
When, occasionally, clients do not respond to the work I will suggest and refer for preparatory detox treatment in order to support tissue healing with a more robust healing process. (I often suggest the kind of support described by Louisa Williams, MA, DC, ND in her extensive compendium of effective European detox treatment medicinals and their integrative use: "Radical Medicine" [])
Fees and Series Discounts:
My fees are modest with respect to the effectiveness of my work.
I offer deeply discounted introductory (only) series purchases and discounted ongoing series purchases, both consisting of 3 and 5 session options to be used for weekly or twice-monthly regular sessions so that new clients have an initial sense of their level of responsiveness to this work and regular continuing clients can secure a discount on regular session costs. (These series purchases will lose the discounted amount of value if not used within the minimum discount period of 2 and 3 months respectively for the 3 session and 5 session series, but they can later be redeemed or used in payment at actual payment value [without discount].)
I am aware of the great social inequities in our economy and am willing to discuss further sliding scale payment arrangement for regular sessions on a case by case basis.

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WA # MA00003538

SPECIALTIES: Bodywork and Massage techniques I perform

Bodywork & Massage

  • Bowen
  • BodyWork

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