Maria Rowe

"Your health and wellness goals become mine!"

"With time and attention, I believe in the body's remarkable ability to heal itself and that massage therapy is one of the many paths to restoring health and wholeness to the body."

       Maria's style provides deep relaxation as well as treatment-oriented work by incorporating various techniques to address her clients' specific needs.  Bringing a nurturing presence to her sessions, she does not impose a one-size-fits-all philosophy and is dedicated to supporting her clients in meeting their ...

"With time and attention, I believe in the body's remarkable ability to heal itself and that massage therapy is one of the many paths to restoring health and wholeness to the body."

       Maria's style provides deep relaxation as well as treatment-oriented work by incorporating various techniques to address her clients' specific needs.  Bringing a nurturing presence to her sessions, she does not impose a one-size-fits-all philosophy and is dedicated to supporting her clients in meeting their health and wellness goals. 
       Maria graduated from Onondaga School of Therapeutic Massage in Syracuse, NY in 2009.  Since then she has successfully practiced massage therapy in various spas, athletic facilities, as well as in her own studio.  Striving to learn and grow as a therapist, she attends continuing-education classes and seminars regularly to augment her skills. 

Book a massage with me today

My Services

NY # 023072


Onondaga School of Therapeutic Massage: Syracuse

1000+ hrs instruction in Massage Therapy


Massage Therapist

Gold's Gym, on-staff therapist


Massage Therapist

Armory Massage - downtown Syracuse, NY on-staff therapist

Massage Therapist/Business Owner

Successful business owner of Syracuse Massage Studio located in Baldwinsville, NY.