Jeni Spring

  • TX License #: MT047987

Deeper than Deep Tissue

Jeni Spring is a massage therapist from Seattle, Washington, now living in San Antonio, Texas. She is the owner and "sole" massage therapist of Heeling Sole Barefoot Massage and is an instructor for Ashi-Thai and Ashiatsu (AKA Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy / DeepFeet.) This "Deeper than Deep Tissue Massage" is a form of deep tissue bodywork that uses the therapists feet, body weight, and gravitational forces to stretch, slide and glide along the larger muscle groups of your body, relieving chronic pain, improving flexibility.

Get a BarefootBar massage or train with Jeni to see why she loves her work so much... the pure awesomeness of Ashiatsu is contagious!

Book a massage with me today

My Services

TX # MT047987


Seattle Massage School / Ashmead

Massage Therapy


Ashiatsu & Ashi-Thai

Ashiatsu BarfootBar Therapist: Mastery Level *Certified in Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy (AOBT) *Certified in Ashi-Thai *AOBT Authorized Associate Instructor *6 month apprenticeship & ongoing training with the founder


Fijian Massage

Thai massage

Thai Massage

Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques

Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques

Structural Integration Techniques

Structural Integration Techniques

Structural Relief Therapy

Structural Relief Therapy

Breema Bodywork

Breema Bodywork