"Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion." - Buddha

Through a recent career transformation into massage therapy, I've discovered that I can use the power of compassionate touch to help heal. The most gratifying work I do is volunteer work applying compassionate touch to those who need it most like hospice care, end of life, palliative and NICU and PICU patients. I offer a variety of massage modalities including Swedish Deep Tissue, Zen Shiatsu, Myofascial Therapy, Thai, Hand/Foot Reflexology, Sports Massage and Reiki. I enjoy creating a combin...

Through a recent career transformation into massage therapy, I've discovered that I can use the power of compassionate touch to help heal. The most gratifying work I do is volunteer work applying compassionate touch to those who need it most like hospice care, end of life, palliative and NICU and PICU patients. I offer a variety of massage modalities including Swedish Deep Tissue, Zen Shiatsu, Myofascial Therapy, Thai, Hand/Foot Reflexology, Sports Massage and Reiki. I enjoy creating a combination of Swedish Deep Tissue with Shiatsu acupressure point work.

Book a massage with me today

My Services

National Holistic Institute

Professional Massage Therapist and Health Educator


The Heart Touch Method: Compassionate and Healing Touch

Mindful, Heart-Centered Approach to Working with Medically Fragile and Terminally Ill Patients

The Heart Touch Method: Certification in Massage for Pediatric Patients

Helping vulnerable infants and children in hospitals or hospice who are dealing with serious illness, trauma, or life threatening medical conditions.

Red Cross Adult and Pediatric First AID, CPR, AED

Response to first aid, breathing and cardiac emergencies.

Jikiden Reiki Practitioner

Okuden and Shoden (Level 1&2) Reiki Energy Healing

Volunteer Massage Therapist

The Heart Touch Project volunteer for pediatric patients at Mattel Children's Hospital UCLA.

Volunteer Massage Therapist

The Heart Touch Project volunteer for hospice care patients.