Joseph Garcia

My name is Joseph Angelo -

What you can expect:

Clean white towels and a matching bathrobe that you can slip into. When you come out I will have chilled drinking water and cool fresh fruit that is washed and carefully placed on a dish for you to enjoy after the massage.I first start off with you laying face down to massage your back. Place a half round tubular shaped bolster under the ankles to raise them and keep them in a supported position. Since you are completely covered with a sheet, I then pull the sheet down to ...

What you can expect:

Clean white towels and a matching bathrobe that you can slip into. When you come out I will have chilled drinking water and cool fresh fruit that is washed and carefully placed on a dish for you to enjoy after the massage.I first start off with you laying face down to massage your back. Place a half round tubular shaped bolster under the ankles to raise them and keep them in a supported position. Since you are completely covered with a sheet, I then pull the sheet down to the crack of the buttocks and pull on the sheet that you are lying on and then tuck in the sheet on your body for a tuck fit and tuck in the sheet under your panties or just above the crack of the buttocks if completely nude. I begin by doing two effroulages (hands close together pushing slightly) from your hips to your shoulders then back down in clockwise motion. I then follow up with a petrosage (an alternating grabbing motion) or two over the same area. Paying close attention to the neck area reaching down and around to get the complete deltoid muscle area. Next is a slow glide down the back (standing or kneeling by the head) all the way to the natural curve of the back just above the buttocks. Then pushing the buttocks toward down toward the feet and out in an opposite synchronized motion. Then racking my soft fingertips back up the back with one hand following the other just behind it. I then begin to work on one arm. Again with two effroulages from the shoulder around and all the way down to the fingertips. Using plenty of lotion to keep the movements steady and consistent. Next is another petrosage or two slightly lifting the muscles up and alternating the pull and grab motions. Next is the racking of the underarms by slightly lifting the arm above the mat and caressing underneath the arm and slowly slightly pulling to direct the natural flow of oxygen and directing toxins toward the lympnodes that rid your body of these naturally. I then do compressions on the lower army by pushing on one part and releasing the other (hands placed right next to each other). At the finger, I pay close attention to wrap two curved fingers (the index finger and middle finger) and pull slowly on each individual finger, then pulling slightly in between the fingers and pulling away out from the web of the fingers. I then use both thumbs and begin pushing using both my fingers and motion of my arms and body and pushing forward into the palm, slightly releasing then slowly moving up to opposite side of the palm then around and down to the beginning point. I then effrolage my way up back up the arm across the shoulder, down the back since it really feels good for both of us giving and receiving, then I begin on the other arm repeating the previous steps. Now that the back and arms and hands are complete I then release the sheet that is safely tucked on both sides of the hips and bring it all the way back up to the shoulders making sure that the sheet stays as close as possible to the table so as not to allow any drafts under the sheet. I then begin on one leg. I carefully lift the leg with the arm furthest away and place it in the cradle of the arm closest to the leg. While it is elevated and supported in a natural way, I reach under the leg and pull the sheet up and out away from the body. This creates a natural diaper type covering fold that wraps the buttocks area to keep them completely covered. Beginning by another two effroulages starting by the ankle and moving up to just below the buttocks. Spreading the oil all around the top and sides of the leg. Moving in slow continuous movements with relaxed cautious breathing to stay in a comfortable state of mind. Next is a petrosage grabbing the mussels in the get and slightly pulling it away from the bone and releasing it in alternating hand motions. Like kneading a small loaf of bread. Next it is followed up with an effrolage. This time when I get to the upper leg I begin to push the leg muscle in and up moving up and when I get just below the buttocks, I then begging pulling the muscle in and toward me in a downward direction toward the knee and repeating the "Push-and-Pull" motion. I then effrolage all the way down to the feet adding oil by continuously always having at least one hand in contact with the body. At the feet I spread the oil completely and face the bottom of the foot with my elbows close to my body and pushing directly into the foot using my thumbs, and motion from my waist up to use my body's weight that way I do not stress out my fingers alone. Working from the heel of the foot and slowly working my way down to the toes. I allow the foot to bend in naturally and push it slightly more and hold it. I then do the opposite. I flex it as far as it naturally goes and stretch it a little more. I then pay attention to each toe and pull on them individually. Once the leg and foot are done I begin "draping" it back to the original position. With a final leg effrolage, I go up the leg and end up at the ankle area. With one hand I lift the leg at the ankle while the other hand gently reaches under the raised leg and pulls the sheet back down and in towards the body that was neatly tucked under the body. Making sure that the sheet does not get pulled down revealing the shoulder. I then lower the leg back onto the supporting bolster that keeps it in a comfortable position. I then place the sheet over the entire leg in the original position. I then work my way around to the next leg and repeat the steps again. Once both legs are completed I center myself and hold one end of the sheet between the table and my leg or hips so as not to allow it to move on the side I am on. I then grab the sheet that is not on the body and create a tent shape and will ask you to turn over and move down a little. Once you are turned over and comfortable, I place a sheet over your eyes and tuck it around your head and tuck it under. If you prefer I can skip that step. I place a large pillow case sheet on across the upper torso above the sheet. Aligned with the top of the shoulders. I then lower the sheet in to just below the bend of the arm fold. I then raise one arm slightly with the arm furthest away from you and straighten the other arm and fingers closest to you in a slow chopping-like motion and push the sheet between your underarm and body and place your arm back to its position close to your body holding the folded pillow case in place. . .

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My Services

School of Healing Arts

Swedish Massage Certification