Barbara-Joyce Reed

"You Can't Take Sides When You Know The Earth Is Round" ~ Patricia Sun

Barbara-Joyce has been channeling privately and publicly for over 2 decades.  Her interest in metaphysics,psychology, and philosophy has continued throughout her adult life, but began as a young child.  Her training has included graduate study in counseling, Dimensional Mind Approach, Silva Mind Control, Holistic Breathing, Neurolinguistic Programming, Tai Chi, Reiki, Self-Awareness, Journaling, Soundbalancing and Shamanic energy techniques.

Barbara-Joyce is a graduate of the University of NH,...

Barbara-Joyce has been channeling privately and publicly for over 2 decades.  Her interest in metaphysics,psychology, and philosophy has continued throughout her adult life, but began as a young child.  Her training has included graduate study in counseling, Dimensional Mind Approach, Silva Mind Control, Holistic Breathing, Neurolinguistic Programming, Tai Chi, Reiki, Self-Awareness, Journaling, Soundbalancing and Shamanic energy techniques.

Barbara-Joyce is a graduate of the University of NH, from which she holds  a Masters of Education in Counseling degree.  She has worked as a human services administrator and advocate for over 30 years.  During this time she also managed a part-time intuitive counseling practice, conducting private sessions, groups and workshops related to the paranormal and spirituality. She is the mother of 2 children and lives in Central New Hampshire.

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My Services

University of NH

Bachelors of Science in Botany and Zoology, Masters of Education in Counseling


Energy Sensative

Workshops in NLP, Silva, Dimensional Mind Approach, Therapeutic breath work, Native American spirituality, sound healing, therapeutic journaling, Reiki-level 3a, meditation etc.