Elizabeth Chandler

Massage & Bodywork Therapist

In the hectic environment of our daily lives we tend to feel selfish taking any time for ourselves to improve our health, reset our minds, calm our nerves, or simply unplug.  Taking small breaks to receive regular massage goes far beyond relaxed muscles or pain reduction, massage can affect our mental and emotional well-being and self-care is no longer considered selfish or a luxury but a necessary need for most working professionals.
I've been practicing massage for 11 years with experience...

In the hectic environment of our daily lives we tend to feel selfish taking any time for ourselves to improve our health, reset our minds, calm our nerves, or simply unplug.  Taking small breaks to receive regular massage goes far beyond relaxed muscles or pain reduction, massage can affect our mental and emotional well-being and self-care is no longer considered selfish or a luxury but a necessary need for most working professionals.
I've been practicing massage for 11 years with experience in both clinical and therapeutic work.  Each session is tailored to meet each individual's needs. I look forward to helping you achieve a more balanced mind & body to help you conquer your day!

Book a massage with me today

My Services

NC # 8483


Therapuetic Massage Training Institute

Massage Therapy