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Midwest Massage Therapy & Wellness Center LLC

Next available opening
Mon, Jun 17th 8:00AM

Not Your Average Massage!

.Holistic approach: A wellness massage focuses on treating and supporting all parts of the recipient. It is a massage which looks at the person as a whole. If one element of our being is imbalanced, then the others will be affected negatively.

New Wave Weight Loss






WE HELP YOU LOSE WEIGHT SO EFFECTIVE?Studies show that Inflammation is the #1 reason people can’t lose weight:

Our program is a proven system that helps you to Reduce Inflammation and Reset your Metabolism.

Toxicity (unwanted chemicals) in the body: We address toxicity in the body because most toxins drive inflammation and lipids (fat) will gather around the toxins to protect you from their harmful effects.

Hormonal Balance: Metabolize fat by increasing and balancing your body’s ability to produce and regulate hormones as well as hormone sensitivity.

Total Body Reset: The natural side effect of our Weight Loss Program is to release weight at an average of up to 1lb a day. Get relief from chronic pain, revitalize your energy levels, experience a full night’s sleep again and maintain long-lasting results.

New Wave Weight Loss Difference: With our program you are eating real food, you aren’t counting any calories or points, there are no diet pills, no meal replacement shakes, starvation or HCG diets, and no exercise is required to be successful.

Easy to follow program: The program is very effective and people get amazing results. for more info

Red Light Therapy

What is red light therapy?

Red light therapy (RLT) is a treatment that uses low wavelength red light to reportedly improve your skin’s appearance, such as reducing wrinklesscars, redness and acne. It’s also touted to treat other medical conditions.

Other names you might hear to describe red light therapy include:

  • Low-level laser light therapy.
  • Low-power laser therapy.
  • Non-thermal LED light.
  • Soft laser therapy.
  • Cold laser therapy.
  • Biostimulation, photonic stimulation.
  • Photobiomodulation and phototherapy.

Red light therapy is thought to work by acting on the “power plant” in your body’s cells called mitochondria. With more energy, other cells can do their work more efficiently, such as repairing skin, boosting new cell growth and enhancing skin rejuvenation. More specifically, certain cells absorb light wavelengths and are stimulated to work.

Red light therapy may work in skin health to:

  • Stimulate collagen production, which gives skin its structure, strength and elasticity.
  • Increase fibroblast production, which makes collagen. Collagen is a component of connective tissue that builds skin.
  • Increase blood circulation to the tissue.
  • Reduce inflammation in cells.

For what skin conditions is red light therapy being tried?

Red light therapy is promoted as a treatment for some common skin conditions, including to:

  • Improve wound healing.
  • Reduce stretch marks
  • Reduce wrinkles, fine lines and age spots.
  • Improve facial texture.
  • Improve psoriasisrosacea and eczema.
  • Improve scars.
  • Improve sun-damaged skin.
  • Improve hair growth in people with androgenic alopecia.
  • Improve acne.
Red Light therapy can also help with weight loss and the Appearance of Cellutite.

Detox Massage

Detox massages are an excellent way to help your body get rid of the toxins and pollutants that build up during every day of our lives. As well as being relaxing, this massage technique can improve your health and restore your sense of well-being. By stimulating the lymphatic system during a detox massage, you are enabling the body to eliminate excess fluid build-up, expel harmful bacteria and flush out waste products that have built up from the metabolic processes. Stimulation in the form of gentle massage will actually promote the detox process, which in turn will benefit the immune system and facilitate the healing process. The lymphatic system also has the ability, when stimulated during a detoxification massage, to promote the regeneration of cells and increase the flow of fluids in and around the connective tissue which will kick start the detox process. Special Blended Essential oils incorporated with Manual Lymph Drainage Massage .


Reflexology is a spa treatment where the therapist works on reflex points on your feet, hands, and ears.  that relate to specific organs and glands in the body.  Stimulating those points with finger pressure promotes health in those organs and glands via the body's energetic pathways. When done by a skilled practitioner, reflexology is a deeply relaxing treatment with benefits that can be felt throughout the body. The therapist will use various techniques that include holds, finger pressure, kneading, rotation and rubbing. The best therapists also include hands and feet as part of the reflexology treatment, and you should feel an effect through the entire body.


Reiki uses a technique commonly called palm or hands on healing. Through the use of this technique, practitioners transfer universal energy (i.e., reiki) in the form of qi (Japanese: ki) through the palms, which they believe allows for self-healing and a state of equilibrium. Excellent way to release stress and improve the body's natural ability to heal itself.

Fascia Blasting

About fascia blasting technique: 

Dimples: They’re endearing on kids, but not quite as cute on my thighs. Yes, like 99.9 percent of the female population, I’m the proud owner of a whole mess of cellulite. And while it doesn’t bother me all that much, I don’t necessarily love it. So when I heard about a weird wellness trick invented by Ashley Black to smooth my problem areas, I thought, Why not give it a whirl? 

Enter fascia blasting: the completely unexpected, all-natural solution to cellulite that also reduces muscle soreness and improves circulation. After personally blasting for a year (infomercial alert), I can honestly say it works. Here are all the details.

What is fascia and why does it need blasting? Simply put, fascia is fiberous connective tissue that is comprised of collagen and protects your organs and muscles. (Come to think of it, it’s kind of like the inner layer of a banana peel.) Fascia supports our musculoskeletal system so we can perform activities like walking, running and sitting at a desk for eight-plus hours.

If your fascia isn’t functioning properly, it can weaken blood flow to muscles, impede flexibility (no matter how many yoga classes you endure), and cause cellulite. And you guessed it: Cellulite is actually the external result of distorted fascia.

How do you use a fascia blaster? Before you roll that spikey motions for one to three minutes per area. You can work up to three to five minutes per zone, but overzealous blasters, beware. Applying too much pressure can result in some pretty funny-looking bruises. After you’re finished, drink lots of water and massage the areas you went over.

What does it feel like? The sensation is similar to foam rolling…if your roller had weird prongs. Fascia blasting can be slightly painful if your fascia isn’t in great shape, so be sure to start out light-handed. You can gradually apply more pressure as your fascia health improves.

How frequently should you use it? It really depends on your level of comfort, but if you want to see results, use it regularly. I try to fascia blast two to three times a week to allow for some recovery time between sessions. One major drawback: Bruises are common, and your skin can become inflamed and painful if you fascia blast too vigorously. If you experience this, allow your body time to heal and go easier next time. Consider rubbing on Arnica (an herbal gel that treats bruising), but discontinue use and see your doctor if the bruises remain or get worse.

little wand anywhere, you’ll need to warm up your muscles with a hot shower, a bath, a heating pad, a sauna or some exercise. Next, apply lotion or oil to the targeted area, then gently run the fascia blaster (use Black’s version, $69, or a budget version, $20) over your skin in up-and-down or side-to-side. 

Midwest Massage Therapy & Wellness Center LLC (309) 944-4011


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Midwest Massage Therapy & Wellness Center LLC
Next available opening
Mon, Jun 17th 8:00AM


Operating Hours

  • Monday
    8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday
    8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday
    8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Thursday
    8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
  • Friday
    8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Saturday
    8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Sunday
(309) 944-4011