Designed to remove severe tension, deep tissue massage is a technique used to relieve both muscles and connective tissue below the surface. It helps to improve range of motion and heal injuries below the surface.
Designed to remove severe tension, deep tissue massage is a technique used to relieve both muscles and connective tissue below the surface. It helps to improve range of motion and heal injuries below the surface.
Designed to remove severe tension, deep tissue massage is a technique used to relieve both muscles and connective tissue below the surface. It helps to improve range of motion and heal injuries below the surface.
Sports massage uses a variety of massage techniques designed to help your body feel freer and stronger. It is particularly great for those with active lifestyles.
Great for pre and post-workout
Sports massage uses a variety of massage techniques designed to help your body feel freer and stronger. It is particularly great for those with active lifestyles.
Great for pre and post-workout.
Massage Cupping is a modern adaptation of the ancient art of cupping therapy. While massage performed by applying pressure, cupping instead uses negative pressure to pull, lift, open and expand the body’s soft tissues.
Massage Cupping is a modern adaptation of the ancient art of cupping therapy. While massage performed by applying pressure, cupping instead uses negative pressure to pull, lift, open and expand the body’s soft tissues.
Myofascial Release uses specific techniques to stretch and repair the connective issue between your muscles (fascia). It helps your body heal properly from injuries and can restore range of motion.
Myofascial release is a soft tissue therapy for the treatment of skeletal muscle immobility and pain.
The method engages the myofascial tissue and loads it with constant force until release occurs.To achieve this, practitioners can use knuc
Manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) is a type of gentle massage which is intended to encourage the natural drainage of the lymph, which carries waste products away from the tissues back toward the heart.
Pregnancy massage focuses on addressing the special needs of expecting women. Specially-designed massage tables, cushions, and side-lying postures are used to prevent putting pressure on the abdomen.
Trigger point therapy focuses on the release of tension around specific nerve centers found throughout your body. It is great for relieving cramped and overused muscles.
Trigger point therapy focuses on the release of tension around specific nerve centers found throughout your body. It is great for relieving cramped and overused muscles.
Reiki uses a technique commonly called palm or hands on healing.
Through the use of this technique, practitioners transfer universal energy (i.e., reiki) in the form of qi (Japanese: ki) through the palms, which they believe allows for self-
Reiki uses a technique commonly called palm or hands on healing.
Through the use of this technique, practitioners transfer universal energy (i.e., reiki) in the form of qi (Japanese: ki) through the palms, which they believe allows for self-
Couples Therapeutic Touch is a mixed massage technique that helps realign your body's natural energy flows. It is also meant for couples to come to a relaxing environment and become one in a room filled with positive energy. Couples are worke
Couples Therapeutic Touch is a mixed massage technique that helps realign your body's natural energy flows. It is also meant for couples to come to a relaxing environment and become one in a room filled with positive energy. Couples are worke