Esalen Massage

Developed in the 1960s at Esalen Institute on the California Coast, this approach melded classic Swedish massage with sensory awareness practice and slow, flowing t’ai chi. The practitioner works with the “receiver”, rather than on the client. Today the Esalen massage signature flow is punctuated with deep tissue detail, joint mobilizing, stretches, and energy work.…


Core Structural Integrative Therapy

Originated by George P. Kousaleos, CORE is a myofascial, postural, and structural somatic therapy combining massage techniques with client-assisted movement. Normally lasting ten sessions, there are four phases of CORE body therapy organized according to the level or layer of fascia, muscle, and supporting soft tissues that are manipulated: core massage, core extrinsic, core intrinsic,…


Chair Massage

Known as seated massage, chair massage, or on-site massage, this technique involves the use of a specially designed massage chair in which the client sits comfortably. The modern chair massage was originally developed David Palmer, but the technique is centuries-old, with some Japanese block prints illustrating people having just emerged from a nearby bath, receiving…


Sports Massage Therapy Benefits

Wondering exactly what sports massage is?  Although geared towards athletes, Sports Massage can be of benefit to a wide range of people. Sports massage therapy is a form of deep tissue massage that often also incorporates myo fascial techniques to assist in correcting imbalances and problems in the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and in connective tissues.…


Myofascial Release Massage

Myofascial release massage works the web-like protective band that covers your body’s muscles, tendons, bones, ligaments and tissues. This protective band is made of elastin and collagen fibers. The band or fascia is dynamic, meaning that it responds to forces, either internal or external and resists these forces to protect the area that it covers.…


Thai Massage

Thai massage is actually a combination of acupressure, assisted yoga and Indian Ayurvedic principles. It is very different than most traditional massage styles and the experience is more rigorous and energizing. Rather than using a table, a padded mat is placed on the floor. There is a great deal of movement involved in this type…


Hot Stone Massage

Hot stone massage therapy not only feels amazingly relaxing, it can also provide a host of other benefits associated with massage. The use of hot stones allows you to achieve a deeper level of relaxation as the stones serve as a grounding force that makes it difficult to stay stressed very long. Hot stone massage…


Feldenkrais Massage

What is the Feldenkrais Method? Feldenkrais focuses on improving a client’s awareness of their body and movements. It is an educational, rather than hands-on holistic therapy that is used by a significant number of people whose movements are essential to their jobs or pastimes. This includes actors and dancers, but these are not the only…


Shiatsu Massage

What is Shiatsu Massage? Shiatsu massage originated in Japan and is based on traditional Japanese and Chinese medicine. The theory behind this technique is that our bodies are made up of energy, and when this energy becomes blocked, various ailments result. Shiatsu was developed as a way to remove any blockages and align the body…



Rolfing focuses on improving the alignment and movement of the human body by manipulating and loosening the connective tissues that can restrict movement. Rolfing Structural Integration A typical Rolfing treatment series will include 10 sessions, each progressively more focused on bringing the body into proper alignment. The multi session series is often referred to as…
